We want to help you make sure you have the tools you need to give the best massage possible. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some of the best resources available. We’ll update the list with anything we believe will be helpful—and if you have suggestions, consider sending them!

Auth Method of Massage: A Guide to Using the Forearms

This instructional massage DVD is intended for licensed massage therapists or advanced students of massage. Learn how to give a full body massage using the forearms as the primary tool. These techniques can be used for both deep tissue and light circulatory massage. Learning to massage with the forearms is essential to the career longevity of massage therapists. By using the forearms massage therapists will be able to work deeper and longer with less wear and tear on the more fragile joints of the hands. 74 minutes in length, beautifully shot outside in the Hamptons. Auth Method Website

Deep Tissue Massage:

A Visual Guide to Therapy Techniques by Art Riggs From the Author: These manual therapy techniques will transform the way you perform bodywork. Unlike many other massage therapist books, this training manual will be extremely useful for continuing education for both new practitioners and advanced therapists working in myofascial release, structural integration, Rolfing ® physical therapy, and other forms of bodywork. With over 225 pages, more than 250 photographs and over 50 detailed anatomy illustrations, this in-depth book clearly illustrates hundreds of effective therapeutic myofascial release techniques.

My Thoughts: This is one of the best massage books I have ever read…and read again…and read again. It is probably more than many of you need and is written for vocational massage therapists, but he just does such a good job with the philosophy and theory of touch in addition to explaining so many good techniques as well. More Information.


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