Private Massage Workshops

Not so sure about the small group thing? Then try one of our private workshops.

Not everyone feels comfortable working in a group setting, we get that. That is why we offer all of our small group workshops as private workshops as well. Just you and your partner working one-on-one with your instructor.

In addition to the privacy, your workshop will be designed specifically for you and your needs. It will go at your speed and you can change your mind, ask for different techniques, or whatever you want…

…because it is your workshop.


Your Private Couple's Massage Workshop

If you would like to take the Couple’s Massage Workshop at your own pace, just schedule a private workshop at our location or at yours.

In addition to the privacy, the advantage of having us create a private workshop for you will let you learn the specific techniques that you are interested in and learn them at your own pace. Ask any questions that you want and change your mind whenever you want.

Click the button below to schedule your private workshop online or call/text (206) 817-5896 if you can not find a day/time that works for you.

Private Nurturing Touch and Sensual Massage Workshops

We offer private nurturing touch and sensual massage workshops for couples (or throuples or quads or however you come together) that want to get closer and learn more about eachother through touch and massage. 


Interactive Massage Sessions/Workshops

A variation of the above, where you learn by helping the instructor give your partner a full massage. Our deep lomi style allows you to learn by mirroring the work the instructor is doing and your partner gets an amazing four-handed massage. 

Private Workshops for Individuals

Massage workshops aren’t just for couples; individuals can take advantage of them, too. You can bring a friend to work on or we can provide a body for you for a little extra. You can also get a one-on-one session with a professional to learn about various massage techniques.

One of the things I love to teach in individual workshops is Thai Yoga Massage because it is so easy to trade places and experience what the work you are doing right now feels like. 

Please call or email to learn more or schedule.


Private Workshops for Throuples and More

“Couple” is a very fluid term these days, and we love to teach multiple partner/friend massage workshops. We can also host a private workshop for your family or friend group. 

If you want to plan something fun, creative, and memorable for your special group, please call or email us soon to start the conversation.


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